This week the focus is on not a real account but a fake one and proud, this account has gathered a loyal following and it's easy to see why!
Not Roger Federer! (PseudoFed)
We all know Roger Federer is the GOAT, right? and that he's extremely humble? If you didn't Not Roger Federer will keep you reminded!
Full of funny, often laugh out loud, tweets Not Roger Federer, who ever it is, does a fine job of following Rogers career and commenting on it, always justifying his loses and celebrating his wins, always in a #humble way of course. References to wife, 'Mirky' (apparently a secret Nadal fan) and his twins are also included, and occasionally you forget it's not really Roger Federer!
A sample of some of Not Roger Federer's funniest tweets:
As you can see Not Roger Federer makes light of many incidents on court, for example the blue clay one in which Djokovic and Nadal both said they would not return to the tournament is the clay was still blue, Not Roger Federer quickly jumped in and claimed he loved the blue clay!
For further, more in-depth, reading check out Not Roger Federer's blog!
The question is, who is Not Roger Federer? A reporter, fan, hater or could it be the real Roger Federer? Who ever it is Not Roger Federer is a must follow, even if your not a fan of the GOAT!